Fishing in Morocco - Have you ever thought about going to Morocco for the fishing experience of a lifetime, then please read on as I write about my experience. Maybe it will help you decide whether to finally make that booking!
My Fishing in Morocco experience
18 months ago I wanted to do something different, fish somewhere out of the norm and to a destination that I hadn’t visited before. My partner Katy had never been on a fishing trip with me in the past but this time she was going to come, so when I looked at Morocco it seemed perfect. We could fly to the lovely city of Marrakech, spend a couple of nights there in one of it’s beautiful riad’s, then travel to the Atlas Mountains to Lake (BEO) Bin El Ouidane, home of black bass, zander and what would be my target species African Carp with a lake record of over 70 lb.
After doing the tourist things and city sight seeing in Marrakech the time had come for our driver to pick us up to travel to the lake, a few hours later we drove over a brow and I got a first glance of her, and she is massive, to be exact over 15,000 acres at it’s fullest.
We spent the first night in the hotel situated at the lake side, and then the next day taken by boat with all our gear to the location where we were going to be fishing for a week, an area not accessible by any road vehicles and extremely remote, it looked perfect!
During the week we caught absolutely stunning carp, wild fish that didn’t look like they’d seen a hook before, a beautiful mirror carp tipping the scale at 46 lb and the largest common which was an outstanding 59 lb.
Morocco Carp Club are the people that make it all happen, they sort out the transport, also a daily food drop with all the essentials, and all the fishing & camping kit that you'll need which is too large to be taken on a plane.
So if you haven’t yet booked next years holiday or fishing trip, maybe this is something different that you might want to look in to, speak to Sam and the rest of the team at
For more photos, feel free to check out my Facebook Album.
Lastly, here is short Youtube video of my trip:
Tight Lines,